We Are But Echoes

In most cases, a son whose father always preferred Chrysler products over Ford and GM is likely to choose to drive Chrysler products. If the parents are Catholic, so will be the children. If the family is Jewish, so will be the children.

What echo might be heard by an orphan or a foster child? In one home, one must toe the line on bathing, bedtimes, wardrobe, etc. In another home, one is left in peace, to read, or smoke, or play with the others on the street. What might that child echo?

Often, the parental example is blocked out by a child. I know of a boy that was born to a dignified, educated family of professionals. He was educated in some of the best schools, in which he wreaked havoc.

In the end, he became a biker, traveling the country and dealing drugs. However, he did echo dignity with which his parents infused him.

It can make for a very unhappy life for one who echoes her parents, although their style is inappropriate for the daughter. It is far better to risk failure by seeking one’s own path to one’s own goals. A person who lives the life they are pressured to live rather than their own choice will, at the time of their death, have not lived at all.

Do not fear failure. When we have a failure, we have not lost, we have learned. We take what we learned in the failed attempt, correct for it, and try again. That is how success is attained. Learn from failures because they are lessons, correct for it, and try again. That is how success is attained. Learn from failures because they are lessons.

You have not lost until you quit. As long as you don’t quit, and persevere through the necessary failures, there’s nothing left but success.

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